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Whether you are one of the original creators of this site, recently received an invitation, or
have stumbled upon it in unhappy surprise, I'm grateful that you've arrived.
For seven days last June, I sat on a beanbag chair low to the floor, tears streaming down
my cheeks, and absently filling in crosswords that Dave had sent me just days earlier. I
muttered to myself, ''You expect me to know this one huh?'' and wrote in the margins
around the grid,''Did you really think I could do this alone?''
Caring members of the community came on Shiva calls. Everyday someone sat opposite
me. They hadn't known Dave.
I learned about different sibling relationships. ''He was all I had left,'' I choked out to one
''You know,'' she said thoughtfully, ''There are seven of us, and I always took it for
Oh Dave, I hadn't taken you for granted, but I had expected you to be here.
Only we shared our personal history; snipping at each other as children, holding on to each
other as adults. We shared the legacy of divorce, the legacy of the Holocaust.
My brother, my anchor: to the past, to growing up in the beauty of Vermont. We shared
the legacy of divorce, the legacy of the Holocaust, a link to the memories of our parents.
I didn't know that I would need a link to you.
To you who have arrived, leave a photo, a memory, a word. I will hold to them tightly.
Thank you.


To be continued.........

David Hilberg

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